Our ESG Commitment
We have set out 4 sustainability targets to be achieved by2025 as our ESG commitments
  • Reduce carbon emissions intensity

    reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions intensity by 20% compared to 2021

  • Improve water use efficiency

    achieve 200,000 tons of water savings by reducing unit water consumption (against a 2021 baseline)

  • Further promote environmentally friendly packaging materials

    Replacement of non-environmental and non-recyclable packaging materials and ensure more than 95% (by weight) of packaging materials are recyclable, degradable or compostable by 2025

  • Achieve greater common prosperity

    Strengthen rural revitalization efforts to achieve a 50% increase in upstream rural employment and a 100% increase in agricultural procurement by 2025 as compared to 2021.


Reduce carbon emissions intensity



Improve water use efficiency



Further promote environmentally friendly packaging materials



Achieve greater common prosperity


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