Our ESG Practice
We believe social sustainability for a company is more than just a sought-after business trend for us to follow. Rather, it promotes the health, safety, and wellbeing of our employees, customers, stakeholders, and members in the community and will eventually make an extensive and profound impact on our business. Therefore, we make continuous efforts to improve our social sustainability and strive to lead in our industry. Examples of our achievements and initiatives in the area of social and community responsibility include the following:
  • Rural revitalization

    As a leading business in the communities in which we operate, we are obligated to contribute to rural revitalization and poverty alleviation in our community. We have also been sourcing and purchasing agricultural materials locally, thereby supporting farmers in the surrounding low-income areas to grow crops with greater confidence and assurance.

    With the growth of our business, we have driven the development of over 253,000,000 m2 of red tassel sorghum planting base in Guizhou Province. We launch the initiative of “company + planting base + agricultural cooperatives + farmers” order model to effectively reduce costs along the supply chain. In the future, we hope to boost rural employment by 50% and double the upstream agricultural procurement by 2025, compared to a 2021 baseline.

    In addition, we have aided the government in the development and renovation of village roads and infrastructure. We also provided over RMB59,900 in total, in the form of monetary and material donations, to promote poverty reduction in local poverty-stricken areas from 2020 to September 2022.

    Our accomplishments in promoting rural revitalization and poverty alleviation practices have been widely acknowledged. At the annual meeting of the National Governance Summit on December 1, 2022, directed by the People’s Daily and organized by the People’s Forum Magazine, our endeavor of high quality contribution to rural revitalization was selected as one of the ten exemplary cases for rural revitalization, making us the only baijiu company that received this honor.

    Moreover, distillery ecotourism is also one of our top priority initiatives. As national 4A-level scenic attractions, we proactively invite nationwide consumers to visit our distilleries and engage them in a variety of immersive experiences to boost local tourism and encourage local economic development. For the old Li Du distillery, which is also a cultural heritage from the Yuan Dynasty, the tours also encourage the promotion of the traditional Jiangxi culture.

  • Charity and Disaster Relief

    We are eager to contribute to the community, and we respond swiftly to natural disasters and pandemics with many donations. From 2020 to September 2022, we provided over RMB5,000,000, in the form of monetary and material donations, to flood-affected cities and over RMB8,100,000, in the form of monetary and material donations, to pandemic-prevention efforts in communities where we operate.


    We appreciate the value of children’s education for the purpose of alleviating poverty and contributed in a variety of ways. We already donated more than RMB22,000,000 to Hunan Youth Development Foundation and China Charity Federation since 2018 to subsidize students from low-income families to attend college. Since 2015, we also contributed a total amount of RMB3,000,000 to the Jiangxi Lidu Education Fund, helping exceptional students from rural areas to higher education.

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