Li Du Sorghum 1975
On November 20, 2017, Yuan Longping returned from the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Commander Tang was the first to visit. When talking with Yuan, he learned in detail about the process of the indica hybrid rice developed by Yuan in 1975 that passed the identification and began to be promoted across the country. Commander Tang had an idea, "Since hybrid rice was only promoted in 1975, and Li Du Sorghum 1955 was brewed with 90% rice + 10% sorghum, why not change the formula and develop Li Du Sorghum 1975?"
On August 11th, Commander Tang brought Li Du Sorghum 1975 to visit Yuan Longping. After listening to the story of Li Du Sorghum 1975's "birth", Yuan Longping was very happy. Because he was deeply impressed that Li Du Sorghum 1955 brewed with "90% rice + 10% sorghum" won the "Brussels International Grand Gold Medal Award" at the EU headquarters, Yuan Longping happily signed "Win the International Gold Award, Yuan Longping" on the Li Du Sorghum 1975 liquor label brought by Commander Tang to express his wishes in nine words.
Li Du Sorghum 1975 was also named to commemorate the large-scale promotion of indica hybrid rice developed by Yuan in 1975! Li Du Sorghum 1975 was awarded the "Top Ten Innovative Brands Affecting China's Liquor Industry in 2017".
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